Dark Factory

Systems that do not require human power. The concept known as "Lights Out" factories in modern times is an automation method used in actively producing factories and facilities.
Although the term may not sound pleasant at first glance, it is actually one of the biggest production revolutions that will affect the 21st century. The most important feature of Lights Out factories is that they do not require human power during production and provide completely unmanned production.
Lights Out factories, in other words, factories that do not require light, are structures that are equipped with completely automated systems and do not require the presence of humans. In today's factories, processes such as lifting parts, operating, etc. are typically managed by human power, and the work of workers is a necessity due to the structure of the existing factories.
To prevent the widening gap between the activity of the modern consumption sector and the supply-demand, many factories have started to make dark production between shifts within the capacity of their own technology to meet the increasing demand and to increase their own financial strength. In Lights Out factories, very little human intervention is needed from the entry of raw materials to the exit of the product from the factory.
Pi Robotics provides the installation of systems that are set up with zero errors without allowing human intervention and errors by offering you these systems.

- Fully Automatic
- High Capacity
- Error-Free Production
- Production Revolution