Robotic Industrial 4.0

The developing technology with Robotic Industry 4.0 is said to push human labor and knowledge into the background and make it harder to employ people as robots enter the production sector. However, the need for experts in updating robot software and providing technical support has created new job opportunities in this field. Therefore, while industrial robot production and developing technology may close one door of employment opportunities for people, it opens another.
The Industry 4.0 Revolution not only affects the production sector but also has a significant impact on daily life. With 3D printers, wearable technology products, drones, and the Internet of Things, it is possible to see that it has penetrated every aspect of life.
Smart factories were established with the Industry 4.0 Revolution. Systems that can produce in the dark, increase production to the highest level, and even save all kinds of resources were developed within smart factories. Additionally, human-caused errors were reduced to zero.
Now, with the 4th industrial revolution in industrial production, innovative products are being created by integrating high technologies onto existing products.

- Smart Factories
- High-Level Production
- Dark Factories
- Saving Solutions